丈夫說吃過我們的“打邊爐”後說根本是 Fondue Chinoise!媽媽立時瞪眼說 Fondue Chinoise 在香港根本不存在!而且“打邊爐”跟 Fondue Chinoise 是兩碼子事。皆因“打邊爐”在各方面也要較 Fondue Chinoise 成熟,不說別的,就百利的鴛鴦蝴蝶腩已經沒話可說!“打邊爐”又要比 Fondue Chinoise 不做作!我們可以在路邊吃,又可以每星期都吃,更有朋友每天吃。平有平吃,貴有貴吃,有時候到土瓜灣吃的話更可以同時“燒嘢食”!丈夫說它們是一樣,未免看低了我們的“打邊爐”文化!而且我們絕不會把生的和熟的放在一起,這是我怎樣也接受不了的事情!!

可是,冷靜下來想一想,香港還不是有把 sweet chicken wing 聽成 swiss chicken wing 的代表作:瑞士雞翼,這玩意在瑞士根本就不存在!
依這個道理說,大家算是扯平了!再問丈夫最愛吃那一道菜,答案是:蕃茄蛋和豉椒蒸排骨(還打成平手咧!)。嗯,這次到香港他還愛上喝鴛鴦,吃鳳爪和牛栢葉... 每次我跟他說我們有午餐之約,他便會問我們是否“飲茶”,明明昨天才“飲完”...
他問我喜歡什麼瑞士菜,Raclette 和 Cheese fondue 我愛,只是我不愛只吃麵包,所以我會要求加入西蘭花,蘑菇,蘋果,梨和少量肉!
好吧,難得他那麼愛吃香港菜,那我也會試著去愛 Fondue Chinoise...
Swiss chicken wings and Fondue Chinoise
Both doesn't exist in their own country!
Andreas said Fondue Chinoise is the same as hot pot after he had tried our HK style hot pot! I stood up and told him that Fondue Chinoise doesn't exist in our land and don't compare Fondue Chinoise with our hot pot. The difference are that hot pot is more mature than Fondue Chinoise, the soup base is already different! Hot pot is then also more casual than Fondue Chinoise, we can eat at the road side, we can eat every week, some people even eat everyday. It could be cheap, it could be very expensive, and if you go to some restaurant, you can even do barbeque simultaneously! I told Andreas that he really underestimated our hot pot cultural! And I will never never ever put the raw food and cooked food together on the same plate, this is something I can never accept!!!
Then, I sat down and think, we also have this Swiss chicken wings which is misunderstood by a waiter in the 20's that someone commented the sweet chicken wings! So, Swiss chicken wings also never exist in Switzerland!
Base on this formula, it means that we are tie! Then I asked Andreas what is his favorite dish, he answered me with Tomato egg and Bean paste steam pork ribs. And... during this trip to HK, he even fell in love with 'yun yeung' - coffee mixed tea, 'fung jau' - chicken feet and 'ngau pak yip' - cow stomach... Everytime we told him that we have a lunch appointment, he will ask me if we are going to 'yum cha' - dim sum lunch, actually... we just had the day before...
Anyhow, it's his turn to ask me what dish I like, so Raclette and Cheese fondue are my answer, I just don't like to eat Cheese fondue with only bread, so I always request to add in broccoli, mushroom, apple, pear and small amount of meat!
In conclusion, since he likes HK food so much, I think I will try to like Fondue Chinoise...