Tuesday, July 22, 2008




駕程 8 小時,沿途我們停了四次。童很乖,窩了在 car seat 很長時間,哭鬧是有一點,但一點也不過份,就算有點過份,媽媽也可以理解。有一小段路,我們還‘偷雞’把童抱了出來,好讓她舒展一下。好動的小朋友不停的左轉右轉,我差點以為她會在車廂內學會爬... 7.30pm,喝完睡前奶也乖乖的窩在 car seat 內就寢,丁點‘扭計’也沒有。


Finally, we brought along the computer, so I write!

We arrived safely after a 12 hours journey! And Noémie is doing very well!!

Net driving hours is 8 hours, we made 4 breaks in between, Noémie was stuck in the car seat for very long time, of course we stretched her during the break, but the maximum was only 45 minutes. She's a bit whiny but we thought it's reasonable, we could understand that! We even let her out and let her sat on my lap for a short distance while we were on the highway. This active baby also made me believe that she will learn how to crawl inside the car cabin... She was moving around non-stop, touching the window handle, scratching the seats and so on...

As usual, 7.30pm she was behaving well with finishing her bottle and then fell asleep in the 'cosy' car seat once we started driving.

Berlin, I am back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mimi, when will u go back home? auntie ov bought u some nice stuff from beijing!!!!