Private kitchen
Not doing this to bring back Noémie's appetite, everything is just by the way!
After the potato, mama discovered Noémie likes rice congee and soup (quite a chinese taste)! Since I was cooking lettuce minced beef rice congee, so before I finish up the rice congee, i just put in a small portion of unseasoned minced beef and then put away a small bowl for Noémie. Just to test if she likes it or not!
The soup I cooked for her on purpose, I read the book suggesting that I can use vegetable soup stock to prepare many food, so I cooked a big batch and then I freeze them. I tested her if she likes to drink soup and once the small cup is in front of her mouth, she opened it and finished it in one go! Once she finished the first cup, she asked me for more! Finally she finished half of our rice bowl! And with her tiny hands, she holds the tiny cup very well! So nice!!
Ok! It's time now for the rice congee! Of course I added in the vegetables she normally will eat, we have brocolli and carrot this time. Same as the soup, she kept opening her tiny mouth after every spoon. Finally, she finished 2 times more of what she used to eat! Usually I used the powder rice cereal mixture!
OkOK, that means mama has to work more from now on! But I am very glad to do this since I think it must be healthier to eat the rice congee than the powder rice mixture!
有胃口就好喇, 童好返哂未呀?
Not completely la, but 95%, she only has a tiny little bit of coughing! But I am very sick...
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