今早她說完一堆話後便把 nuggi 從嘴裡拔出來,遞給我!我說我不吃,留給她(當然是推回去),她便試圖硬塞進我的嘴裡... 還開心得笑得像花!
中午我在吃美味公仔麵時,她坐在我身邊,又跟我說了一大堆話。媽媽猜她是問我可否吃一口... 我說不,她只能吃奶。她沒有笑得像花,可是卻沒有再問我,轉頭便自顧自在玩。
Noémie will talk to me everyday, of course I don't understand a word... and there were 10000 'what' blinking in my brain!
This morning, she talks to me and then pulls out the nuggi from her mouth and hand it to me! I told her I don't want, it's her, then she even tries to stuck it into my mouth... and laugh like a sunflower!
In the afternoon, I was eating instant noodles, she sits besides me and then talk to me again... I guess, she's asking me if she can have one bite... of course I told her not, she can only drink milk and eat her own food, so she doesn't look like a sunflower and turn away her head and play on her own...
In the evening, she was eating her snack, a piece of bread! She talks to me again. And hold up her meaty arm with the all wet bread to my mouth. I pretend to have one bite and she looks like a sunflower again!
All of the above happened in the same day, September 5th!
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