嘔吐!因為這傷風滯留了頗長時間,而且她又有很多鼻涕... 看她很可憐!可是勇敢的童並沒有因為嘔吐而哭,只是不停要黏在媽媽身旁,連爸爸也不要... 朋友說道小朋友病的時候總是這樣,只黏媽媽,可見要找安全感時還是要黏媽媽。
希望童早日康復,媽媽每晚也沒法睡好呢... 很累啊!
Noémie is sick... vomiting and having diarrhea, she vomited twice and had diarrhea for about 8 times in 3 days..
First guess is that she got a flu, I have read lots of health websites and books says the vomit might due to she swallowed too much mucus... Since this cold has been dragging around for a long time so it's possible... But brave Noémie didn't cry after vomiting, she vomited like a fountain... And all she wants is to stick with mama and refusing every food we gave her... She doesn't even like to stick to baba, I think these smart little creatures knew that they should search for the secure from mama!
The world is not fair, men and woman can never be equal, women are always more caring!
Get well soon, Noémie because if you couldn't sleep well, neither mama could...
希望童早日康復,媽媽每晚也沒法睡好呢... 很累啊!
First guess is that she got a flu, I have read lots of health websites and books says the vomit might due to she swallowed too much mucus... Since this cold has been dragging around for a long time so it's possible... But brave Noémie didn't cry after vomiting, she vomited like a fountain... And all she wants is to stick with mama and refusing every food we gave her... She doesn't even like to stick to baba, I think these smart little creatures knew that they should search for the secure from mama!
The world is not fair, men and woman can never be equal, women are always more caring!
Get well soon, Noémie because if you couldn't sleep well, neither mama could...
同鄉們, 聖誕過完, 又係時間搞下農曆新年暨一月之星(主腳分別係: 新Sun師奶、教主同亞米) 活動喇!
日期: 25/1 (Sun) 年三十
時間: around 12:00 noon
地點: 上次九月之星既同一地點 --- Hotel Renaissance Zürich
歡迎攜眷出席, 到時我哋有我哋講人話, 佢哋有佢哋講鬼話.
欲免向遇, 報名從速! 快d揾我或新Sun師奶攞籌啦!
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