Tuesday, December 23, 2008

童病了... 上吐下瀉,三天加起來吐了兩次,瀉了八次左右...

嘔吐!因為這傷風滯留了頗長時間,而且她又有很多鼻涕... 看她很可憐!可是勇敢的童並沒有因為嘔吐而哭,只是不停要黏在媽媽身旁,連爸爸也不要... 朋友說道小朋友病的時候總是這樣,只黏媽媽,可見要找安全感時還是要黏媽媽。


希望童早日康復,媽媽每晚也沒法睡好呢... 很累啊!


Noémie is sick... vomiting and having diarrhea, she vomited twice and had diarrhea for about 8 times in 3 days..

First guess is that she got a flu, I have read lots of health websites and books says the vomit might due to she swallowed too much mucus... Since this cold has been dragging around for a long time so it's possible... But brave Noémie didn't cry after vomiting, she vomited like a fountain... And all she wants is to stick with mama and refusing every food we gave her... She doesn't even like to stick to baba, I think these smart little creatures knew that they should search for the secure from mama!

The world is not fair, men and woman can never be equal, women are always more caring!

Get well soon, Noémie because if you couldn't sleep well, neither mama could...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

12月14日 ﹣童十一個月 - 童體







* 多在出生後兩個多月發病
* 先在雙頰、額部、頭皮、頸部, 可延及軀幹四肢
* 通常病發在面部,繼後伸延到頸、手及腳的內折部位
* 影響全身,時輕時重,往往在出牙期間又發作
* 由於精神刺激、繄張或過份疲勞可引致濕疹發作


童整個背部和手腳的內折位都是紅紅的... 很可憐... 媽媽剛停了給童吃芝士和魚,下星期要測試她是不是對奶糖過敏,長期抗爭開始了...

童十個月 ﹣照片

Thursday, November 27, 2008

11月14日 ﹣童十個月 ﹣孩子你慢慢來




回來瑞士後便很想爬, 可總有一隻腳卡住,爬不了!連試了很多天,今天終於大膽了,在滿十個月前的兩天學會了如何用手踏步,便半坐的開始爬了,還滿快的呢!

爬後便要企,企了多天悶了又想學行路... 站著也搖搖搖像布甸,還未穩,便要放開手自己站,當然會跌倒。還想要行,根本就支撐不了!所以媽媽告訴你不可以未學爬,先學企,也不可以未學企,先學行!有些事情是要慢慢來,好好學。好好享受這個沒有記憶的幼兒期,也好好享受從遊玩中跌倒,學習!





November 14 - Noémie turned 10 month old - Kid, take it slow!

We spent half of her time in HK this month!

She learns what is Hot, and what is people mountain people sea, this is a HK saying of crowded!

And learns what is typical HK dim sum!

She started to want to crawl when we are back, but there's always one leg got stuck and can't proceed. She tries and tries, finally on 2 days before she turns 10 month, she made it, now she's half crawling!

After accomplishing this, she wants to stand, and then walk... of course she's still not good on standing and how can she walk? Mama kept telling her that she shouldn't skip step, she has to learn the basic well before proceeding to the next stage. She should be enjoying this baby time and not rush into the toddler stage!

Here's a book written Prof. Lung Ying Tai - Kid, take it slow. this is my third copy, every time I read it, I have different feelings. The first time I read, I was still single. The second was when I was pregnant, the time when you want to receive all informations about raising kids like a black hole. The third time is now, with Noémie besides me, tears still running down when I read it!

There's a picture of Lung playing with Andreas in the daffodil field and written: "There's daffodil every year, but kids only has one time being so young!"

How true it is!

Take it slow, Kid! Don't grow so fast, mama wants to hug, kiss and play silly games with you!


Snow ball




Walk walk stand stand

Has to practice both standing and walking, she's very busy!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


2008 年 3 月 4 日

2008 年 11 月 25 日





同一個攝影師 (媽媽)


Time flies

March 4th, 2008

November 25th, 2008

Same table

Same computer

Same papa

Same baby

Same photographer (mama)

They grows so fast!!


一個下午我們在 Le Pain 填肚。拍這張照片的這一天,陽光普照。

爸爸總愛抱妳,你總愛扭他抱。他很愛妳,你也很愛他,你叫他做 da da, 媽媽是 ga ga,每天一醒來便要找爸爸玩玩哄哄,然後不停跟他說一大堆只有你自己聽懂的話。




幸福的你有媽媽爸爸、爺爺奶奶、Gotti (godmother)、Götti (godfather) 和媽媽的一大堆朋友疼你,而且他們會輪流來瑞士看你,現在的你擁有全世界!

媽媽每天帶你到對面山頭公園看咕咕叫的山羊、有時又到 Kusnacht 湖邊餵鴨鴨、還有時到動物園,到你最愛的水族館看 Nemo。





A Lover's Discourse

One day, we ate at Le Pain.

This picture was taken on a very sunny day.

Papa likes to hold you, and you know how to make him to hold you. He loves you and you love her, you call him 'da da' and mama is 'ga ga'. The first thing you do in the morning is to play with him and talk to him in your own language...

When you look at them, is like you are looking at a lover, no matter who's playing with Noémie, no matter how happy she is, everything will change when papa appear! She wants him at once!!

If Noémie wakes up in the night because of the teething pain, papa can't help himself to bring him over to our bed. If it really hurts, and couldn't sleep again, papa will put her on his chest, like Totoro...

Papa always have this proud look when he's carrying her.

Lucky like you have mama, papa, grandpa, grandma, Gotti, Götti and a whole bunch of mama's friends loving you, they even take turns to come to Zürich to visit you, do you know you almost own the whole world now??

Mama always take you to the park across our home to watch goatie, sometimes we go to Kusnacht lakeside to feed the duck, sometimes we go to the zoo and aquarium to visit Nemo.

Papa will bring you to walk in the wood on sundays, to watch trees, and sometimes to the top of the hill to watch cows and the alps. If we go to granparents' home, woo, it's an adventure in this big house, plus, there are lots of antique toys in the attic waiting for you!

Mama envy you that you can play play play as a job!

Now you know how to kiss and always kiss the one you love, to show your love, of course our face will be all wet...

Mama hope you will always take us as your lover, so that we could share everything with you.

Sunday, November 16, 2008





童總是喜歡在五時後開始耍性子,因為玩了一整天,人已極度疲累。一到這時段就可以清晰看見童的暴力傾向,掉玩具、任性、把水杯掃到地上和抓媽媽的臉等。童聽得懂 NO,知道是什麼意思,但五時後她就裝作聽不見,老是要鬧,要作對。因為發生了太多次,媽媽很氣,決定用跟童同等的智商耍回去,以其人之道還治其人之身!






In Taiwan, people called their daughter 'luli', since it's Taiwanese, so I don't know how to translate or how to write. I lived in Taiwan since birth till 3 or 4 year old so I have a special attachment to Taiwan Mandarin and Taiwanese. And for some reasons, I really like this 'luli', I like how it pronounce, so Afu mama always called me 'luli'.

I am Afu mama's 'luli', and now I have my own 'luli', and she really likes 'LU' (LU means showing temper and annoying), so I call Noémie 'lululi'.

How does she 'LU'?

This 9 months 3 weeks old Noémie started to know how to play around, she doesn't let me wear her shoes, doesn't like to stay in the car seat, refuse to drink her milk, non-stop playing around with her bowl, likes to mess things up, likes to cry. She doesn't like anything, only likes to not corporate!

Especially after 5pm, she will become a 3M post it, just sticking on my body... well, I could understand that, after whole day playing, she's extremely exhausted. But at this time, we can see how violence, how she abuse the toys, push the water bottle onto the floor, and scratch my face... She actually understand what is a 'NO', but not after 5pm... she always pretends that she didn't hear anything from me. And since it's not the first time in this 2 weeks, mama got angry, decided to treat her in the same way!

When she scratch my face, I scratch her back, and when she hit me, I hit her back. Of course I am not hurting her, just want her to know how it feels! And she actually knows it's not funny anymore, so she look at the floor, not making any sound, and then cry. So I let her cry, it's her bad, so she could cry!

Then she started to want to come to me and want me to hold her, I just sit there and told her what have she done wrong and insist on not holding her.

And she understood, she stops crying, came to my side and sit besides me and use her way to express that she's knew that she was wrong and kiss me and talk to me, wanting me to smile at her.

Yes, of course I did hug and kiss her at once!

Noémie, this is your mama, if you like to play around, mama will play with you, if you love mama, mama will love you forever!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008








到了 Grieder (有點像香港的 Shangri-la) 的餐吧喝下午茶(酒),童很乖,靜靜的站著自娛,路過的太太都跟她打眼色。過了一會,有一媽媽帶著兩個小朋友坐下來,大的女孩大概三歲,小的男孩大概兩歲。先形容一下媽媽,身穿緊身襯衣,牛仔褲,腳踏一雙不過分高的高跟短靴。兩個小孩乖的不得了,當然他們倆也有走到鄰卓與人搭訕,小男孩也有手抓糖壺來玩,可是看得出他們懽得適可而止,並沒有發瘋般四處跑。



Learn how to behave like a grown up

There are times, you have to be involved in grown up's life

There are times, mama will be involved in your children life

There are times, you cannot run around as whenever you like

There are times, you have to know there are some drinks not suitable for you

There are times, you have to learn to be seated properly

Things happens like this

We went to Grieder for tea, Noémie behaves very well, she was playing and standing quietly, all the ladies passed by can't help to wink at her. And then there's a mother came with 2 children, the older girl is about 3 years and the younger brother is about 2. Mother is well dressed and stylish, wearing a tight shirt, jeans and a low heel boots. The 2 kids are very well behaved! Of course they would still be interested to walk around, but they never really disturbed other customer. The boy still grab things from the table to chew, but they never were running around or scream.

Of course children needs to run around, this is what they do, but they should also learn that there are places not allowed them to do this and the parents can't always be with them in the children paradise, they also need their own life. Once a friend of mine told me that she would never change her lifestyle because of the 2 girls. She can make adjustment, but never always going with them to the same parks, same children paradise, she also needs her paradise!

Parents and kids, let's learn and grow together!


為期四天的幼兒園訓練班在第一天已順利過渡!到步後便立刻讓老師抱著,然後又唱歌、又吃早點 (人家吃果醬牛油麵包,她吃淨麵包)、又有很多小朋友陪玩,米開心得不得了!三分鐘便把媽媽和爸爸把拋諸腦後,手拿玩具咬個不停。

看著她在交際是一種享受,當小朋友們在玩時媽媽和爸爸坐在後座看。第一天就遇上了小小麻煩,Sophia,兩歲半,跟米在玩同一個玩具。一開始便見她不停的把那玩具拉向自己,然後又把所有人偶收起,不想給米看到。米像撿破爛般拿到什麼便玩什麼,對米來說是不在乎,她只管好不好咬。後來情況越來越嚴重,Sophia 進展到從米手上搶走她正在咬的。米也不甘示弱,從 Sophia 那堆內拿回來,就這樣搶來搶去了兩三回合。媽媽正在懷疑米會否哭或大叫,她就轉身拿別的來玩,還玩得哈哈大笑。媽媽在她頭上看到一個對話泡泡,裏面寫道:“好叻咩,後面大把嘢玩,唔好嘥我時間!”媽媽和爸爸賽後檢討,覺得這未嘗不是一個好解決辦法,米採取了多一事不如多少一事的態度,況且只是一個玩具,何必爭風吃醋!忍不住要唱:童年的你~ 必定天真可愛~ 你真的很乖,很可愛!第一次看到米獨立的一面,她亦學曉了在這世界上也有人沒有必要讓她,也有自私和不禮貌的人。總要面對真實社會,媽媽只希望她能保持她那天生的和平赤子之心。


Go Noémie Go!

We had a 4 days krippe (nursery) training, the first day is no problem, she's happy to be in the krippe. First, she let the teacher hold her at once, and then they sing, and they had morning snacks (all other kids were eating butter and jam bread, and she can only eat plain bread), and then there were many children together with her, she's really happy!! Forgotten mama and papa in 3 minutes, only concentrating on the various toys lying on the floor!

Watching her social is an enjoyment, when they are playing, we watched in the back, she encountered some problems. Sophia, 2 years 10 months old were sharing a circus toy with Noémie, she kept pulling the toy to herself and kept all the dolls to herself, Noémie tried a few times to pull it and to take some dolls, but Sophia can always pull it back and she even grabbed the toy off from Noémie's hand, Sophia would even turn her back at Noémie or uses her legs to stopped Noémie from approaching to her side. Then, they pulled 4 to 5 times back and forth, I was worrying that Noémie will cry or scream, and at this point, she turned away and pick other toys. I can see she has a comic conversation bubble on top of her head saying: "Well, there are so many toys on the floor, I can play other stuff, don't waste my time on fighting with you!" We thought this is also a good solution, to solve the problem in a peaceful way, and didn't fight physically, she's such a good girl!

This is the first time we saw her independence, she learned that there's someone out there who won't give her whatever she wants and loving her is not a must. She has to face the real world sooner or later, mama rather she face it sooner and to be tough. But I hope she could keep her peaceful and pure mind.

Go, Noémie, go! Learn how to behave as a human being!




今天到了Le Pain Quotidien ,全天候早餐!一日之計在於晨,早餐實在太重要,種類選擇要多,分量也要多。首先講麵包,德國和瑞士人的麵包以健康出名,麵包是必備主食,Le Pain Quotidien 有法國麵包 Baguette, 可頌麵包 Crossaint 和有名的德國黑麥麵包。這裡的麵包新鮮好吃不用說,環境有 After School 的氣氛,就連水也好像好喝點。麵包放在藤編的麵包籃內,坐位前墊一個白瓷盤,在上塗麵包,隨便刀子怎麼切牛油怎麼刮果醬都沒事,看上去活像一個調色盤。而且用過的瓷盤也不必特意清洗,只要把麵包屑撥乾淨,下次又可以直接拿來使用,方便實用又省事。另加一大碗牛奶咖啡,果醬和自家製榛果巧克力醬。果醬的選擇有分看得見整粒果肉的 Konfitüre 以及攪拌至看不見果肉的 Marmelade。整粒果肉的杏果 Konfitüre 比較酸,但是吃得到天然的風味;看不見果肉的紅雜果 Marmelade 放了魚膠(Gelatine),吃起來像是在吃融掉的果凍;巧克力醬還有分白巧克力,牛奶巧克力和我最愛的黑巧克力醬!!基於瑞士人比較嗜甜,服務生自然會多問一句要不要蜂蜜。不要少看這蜂蜜,跟榛果巧克力醬或是花生醬拌在塗好牛油的麵包上時,咬一口便有一種飽滿的幸福感。現在流行有機食品,這店的原則為全店使用有機或回收材料,舉例說,店內所有的木製傢俱便是用回收物料來做的,真個環保!

把 Le Pain Quotidien 的所有調在一起後,這地方幫我找回從前拿著電腦到咖啡館坐老半天的那種感覺。沒有童在旁,換了姍姍在,我們無牽無掛的專心聊天,專心聆聽,有什麼比得上有好友相伴品味人生,試新事物的感覺?!


First time, breakfast

This is the first time you are alone with new people for such a long time.

This is the first time for mama to be alone with people I knew for a long time.

Today I went to Le Pain Quotidien with a good friend, they serve all day breakfast! As breakfast is a very important thing, there should be variety and quantity. No energy no life! Bread in Germany and Switzerland are well known for healthy and important, just like our rice. Le Pain Quotidien has French baguette, crossaint, muffin, and black rye bread. The bread here is very fresh and tasty, the ambient is also very nice, it seems like the water also taste better. The bread were being placed in the traditional rattan basket, a white pottery plate placed in front of your seat. You don't have to worry that you will ruined the plate, you can spreading butter and spooning konfitüre on it freely. It looks like a color palette from far. Another good reason to use it because you can just wipe it, without washing it and can use it again! About the fruit jam, there were 3 jars on the table, konfitüre with fruits, jelly-like marmelade and hazelnut chocolate paste. konfitüre is a bit sour, but can have a taste of the fruit and marmelade is too much like jelly, it's like eating melted jelly... There are white chocolate, milk chocolate and dark chocolate paste, of course I like the dark one most! Since Swiss people likes sweet stuff, they server will always ask if you want honey, and when you put honey, chocolate and peanut butter together on one bread, you will know what am I talking about! It's like in heaven!!!! Now is the trend of being organic, this shops uses organic ingredients for everything and the wooden furniture are all made out or reused materials.

Le Pain Quotidien let me re-discover the feeling of being in a nice coffee shop, working with computer, read newspaper or do some writings. Without Noémie, I can enjoy my breakfast with sansan a lot, we could do real talking, and taste the coffee and jam!! It's so nice to have someone who dare to try out new things with!!

Finally, mama are mama, I was always thinking that I must bring Noémie to this place once. And before we stepped out the door, sansan also said she has to bring Céline next time! So, let's go there all together as a big family and chat, eat and listen to the nice music. And sit there for 3 hours!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

10月14日 ﹣童九個月






媽媽的手提電話給童的口水淹壞了... 手提電話千萬不要放在小朋友能觸及之處!他們只管咬!!



9 個月活在肚內, 9 個月活在世上和在忙認識宇宙的同時,媽媽也要去重新認識宇宙!和童一起!

Noémie 9 months old

Grandma left Zürich, she's not so used to not being around people, she'll complain once you walk away from her! It took her 3 days to get use to it. On the 3rd day, she could entertain herself, even being alone in the room!

On September 17th, we are going to fly to HK, another long-haul trip after Berlin/Poland!

Another thing she's not use to is that there's now only one person to serve her while bathing!

This month, she learned how to sit, to roll, to stand (while holding), wants to walk, loves fruit, bread, yoghurt, vegetables and fish! She even knows how to interact and flirt with people!!

We went to the first swimming class, she had fun, floating like a ball!

She flooded my mobile phone by biting...

On September 8th, you have your own room! Moved the guest bed to the other side of the room for her cot, and everything's set, will start you independent life here!

We applied for nursery, she will be there in mid-November. This is a place called Crawling castle, it's very close to our home, 10 minutes walking distance. It's the time now to send her to learn how to social with other babies, to share and when to fight for her rights!

9 months ago, she's still in the belly, 9 months now, she's alive on this universe. Busy getting to know this place, and mama too, has to learn many things, let's learn together, Noémie!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Q太郎是一隻妖精,壽命有500年。很愛吃(一次可吃20碗飯)、愛睡、愛玩,但很怕狗。Q太郎的白色外表是一件衣服,真身從未被人所見。頭 頂只有三根毛而已。Q太郎與其他妖精不同,只可以飛行(況且每次只可以飛50公里...)、可以隱形和將嘴巴拉長變成一隻靴。Q太郎認為自己也能變成一個饅頭, 但其實只不過是卷著身子而已。Q太郎曾經向他的爸爸解釋,他來到人類世界是因為他也希望變成一個「人」。




在 youtube 找到了這段片,心給大家分享一下!




Sunday, October 26, 2008


Thanks Keith for video taping it and the editing!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


婚禮服媽媽自己設計,爸爸的 Gotti (Godmother) 負責縫紉。做好了用完後,好好的收藏,留給童。


Dordoll 和 Dow 把那套古董頸鏈和手鏈送了給媽媽做嫁裝,當然也是留給童!

Wedding gown, pass it down

Mama designed the wedding gown, and papa's Gotti made it happen. Now we used it, will clean it, and keep it well, and pass it down to Noémie!

To wear it as it is or alter it or use the fabric to make something new, I don't care. Just thought I should pass down the memories to the daughter!

Dordoll and Dow give mama the precious antique necklace and bracelet as the wedding gift, of course this will also goes to Noémie too!

大躍進之二 - September 5


今早她說完一堆話後便把 nuggi 從嘴裡拔出來,遞給我!我說我不吃,留給她(當然是推回去),她便試圖硬塞進我的嘴裡... 還開心得笑得像花!

中午我在吃美味公仔麵時,她坐在我身邊,又跟我說了一大堆話。媽媽猜她是問我可否吃一口... 我說不,她只能吃奶。她沒有笑得像花,可是卻沒有再問我,轉頭便自顧自在玩。



Big step Part 2 - September 5

Noémie will talk to me everyday, of course I don't understand a word... and there were 10000 'what' blinking in my brain!

This morning, she talks to me and then pulls out the nuggi from her mouth and hand it to me! I told her I don't want, it's her, then she even tries to stuck it into my mouth... and laugh like a sunflower!

In the afternoon, I was eating instant noodles, she sits besides me and then talk to me again... I guess, she's asking me if she can have one bite... of course I told her not, she can only drink milk and eat her own food, so she doesn't look like a sunflower and turn away her head and play on her own...

In the evening, she was eating her snack, a piece of bread! She talks to me again. And hold up her meaty arm with the all wet bread to my mouth. I pretend to have one bite and she looks like a sunflower again!

All of the above happened in the same day, September 5th!

大躍進之一 - August 31, September 1

小朋友大得真快,只消一個週末,童學會了揮手!聽到 Hallo,bye bye 或 Ciao ciao 便會自動波 - 揮手!


又是星期一早上,一個小時之後... 還發現了可以坐著向後移動。上星期她一直處於憤怒狀態,因為她不能移動,光看著其他小朋友從東爬到西,由南移到北。她卻只能坐著,原封不動... 極其量只能原地轉... 這天早上,媽媽在工作,突然很靜,心一驚之下抬頭一看,小朋友已從客廳的前方移到窗邊!她還邊移邊不忘把 playmat 帶著走!開心得笑了一整天!

相信很快她便會從一點消失到另一點... 或為自己沖茶...

Big Step Part 1 - August 31 and September 1

Baby grows so fast, they develops very quick too! Noémie learns how to wave hands once she heard Hallo, bye bye or Ciao ciao, we tested her many times until we confirmed that it's no accident!!

On Monday morning, mama accidentally discovered her learns how to put small things into a big cup and then turn it over and pour it out again. In within 5 minutes, she repeated this action more than 10 times!!

Also on monday morning, an hour after the pouring action, she learns how to move, backwards! Last week she was very frustrated since she can watch other kids moving around but she can only sit still, the most she can do is turn in rounds like a clock... This morning, I was working and it was very quiet, so I was afraid and once I look, she already moved from in the middle of the living room to the back of the living room sitting besides the window! She even pulls the playmat along with her, she was so happy for the whole day!

I believe she will soon make her own tea...

Monday, October 20, 2008




玩了三天開始要忙,做正經事 - 辦囍!




好友 Keith 拍了 video,可到此瀏覽:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc7Y0rVWBck

Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me,
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.

- John Lennon

Love. Back Home

Haven't written for more than 3 weeks, because we were back in HK, to play, eat and to meet friends!

Noémie behaved very well on the plane, it's a 17 hours journey and all she has been doing was play, eat and sleep, never cried a bit, mama was really impressed! When we were on the way to HK, there's even a man who changed his seat in order to play with her easily. She spent 2 days on adjusting time difference, however it took her more time to adjust to the humid and hot weather. She was non-stop sweating and she wet the stroller while napping! But this humid weather healed all her mushroom, especially after we swam in the ocean!! I have to use sea salt to bath her more often!!

After 3 days playing, we finally have to work on some real thing! The wedding!

To make Andreas's suit, stationery, decorations, accessories and flowers...

I really have to say that I am very satisfy on mine and the maid of honor's bouquet. They are really very pretty, and cost effective. It's a very nice little shop located in the Tin Hau wet market!!

The wedding is great! And I am very grateful with all the friends' presence! Some flew from Beijing, Shanghai and Switzerland. I felt LOVE from this wedding!

Lovely Keith made a video for us, you can watch through this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc7Y0rVWBck


Monday, September 8, 2008

誰是 夏米兜??









I am very sorry, but this one is almost no way to translate. I will resume the translation for the next writing.

Thank you for your patience.

Saturday, September 6, 2008








Fabi 來拿你的餅!







woo~ (這是童的笑聲!)


goo e e, da da da

Noémie wants to grab the car which is lying on the floor...

wa ya ya ya ya~

Move, Noémie, move!

da da da da da~

Put your butt up a little bit more...

goo e e e e~

Fabi is coming for your biscuits!

woo piu piu piu

Now she's busy with the TV remote control...

gwa gwa gwa gwa~

She likes to talk to other people in the tram...

arg arg arg arg~

Ha, she can stands!

woo~ (this is the sound comes with her smiles!)

This is our conversations since 2 weeks...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



從7個月起,每天早餐吃麥片加生果,有時‘yar’蕉,有時吃桃蘋果梨(煮時加入雲呢嗱,umm, yum yum)!午餐有從海裡來的,也有從山上來的!有時配粥,有時配 baby rice cereal!雖然沒有下調味,但其實不錯吃的!像這次做的魚(很綠的那一堆,淺綠那一堆是西蘭花),媽媽加入了波菜和 mild Gruyère 芝士,童又再一次小嘴不停張!吃完媽媽會切一片麥包做茶點。到了傍晚,再次吃生果,但這次會配 baby rice cereal,有時會吃雞蛋黃配菜湯!

我讓童抓食物,等她可以感覺一下。我不沒有把食物混在一起,用意是令童可以吃到不同食物的味道和質感。胡蘿蔔有多甜、粥和 baby rice cereal 的分別等等。但像波菜這類強烈味的食材和淡淡的魚卻是最佳配搭,可以混個夠!


From the ocean and from the mountain

It's very important to have a balanced diet! So this is a very important part to plan Noémie's menu!

From 7 months on, Noémie eats quite a regular portion of her meal. She will have Oat meal with banana and sometimes with pear, apple and pear ( I cooked them with 1 vanilla pod, umm, yummy yummy)! During lunch she will have foods came from both the ocean and the mountain! Sometimes with Chinese congee and sometimes with baby rice cereal! Even though her food aren't seasoned, but they actually taste very nice! Like the fish I made for her this time (the very green one, the light green one is broccoli), I added spinach and mild Gruyére cheese, once again, she can't stop opening her mouth to ask for more! After this, I will cut her a piece of full wheat bread. In the evening, she will have one more round of fruits, but this time will go with rice cereal. And sometimes she will have egg yolk plus vegetable soup!

Mama usually let her grab her food, squish and squeeze, and rub on her face and hair... I think she would like to feel them. I also don't mix all the food together, I would like her to know how sweet carrots are and how is the difference between Chinese congee and baby rice cereal, and also the texture. However, like food has strong taste, for example, spinach is best to mix with the fish which has bland taste!

Next week will be time to try something new, beef! I already bought bear shape pasta, so she can have Bolognaise! Hmm, I think I should cook more and season it, so I can eat with you!!