第一次遠征,到了柏林和波蘭,第一次見 Theo,第一次和 Gotti Tin 親親熱熱的玩了三天(不是第一次見面)。沿途童都很乖,沒有扭計,照常 7 時睡覺,只是吃奶時間亂了丁點,還第一次經常拒絕吃奶。事後回想,媽媽懷疑在途中已開始作喉嚨痛。

踏入七個月,童明天開始正式吃肉!媽媽已做好了一大盆蘋果胡蘿蔔洋蔥雞,很香,我試過,很好吃的!還有菜湯呢!下星期便再吃魚,上回吃焗三文魚混蕃薯,今回可以做芝士魚。魚很緊要,營養高,又有 Omega 3 對眼睛好!


Same like last month, she has still many first times.
FIrst time travel far, we went to Berlin and Poland, meeting Theo for the first time, spending intensive time with Gotti Tin for 3 days (although not the first time meeting her). Noémie has been a good girl through the whole journey, she sleeps at 7pm as usual, eats as usual, only her schedule has been messed up a little bit. Oh! First time she refuses to drink, we always has to cheat her with the pacifier. But when I think back now, she might already starting to get sick and developing the sore throat.
We also had a small accident in Berlin, while we were on the tram travelling to the Anti war museum in Berlin, we were on this old tram, it's similar to the Tram 13 in Zürich, with high steps... we weren't so sure which station to get off, and suddenly we realized that we have to go off the tram and papa just grabbed Noémie with the stroller (we borrowed a lighter version from my friend, so we can easily grab her without help) and rush out. At this moment, papa tripped himself on the steps, and both of them fell down on the ground, yes, with Noémie inside the stroller... I couldn't move nor react for 10 seconds... neither the pedestrian, some seconds later, people ran over and helped us to put back the stroller and I took Noémie out of the stroller in light speed... luckily she's fine, she cried more because of the shock than pain (good that the instructor in Gymboree told me that babies doesn't feel pain on the back of their head, only in front), and we knew that papa's arms was behind, so she must not had hit on her head so she won't be more silly. And she was a brave girl, she didn't cry long, only half a minute and she's fine again.
In Poland she finally learn how to roll over, on both sides! And she likes it, always rolling like a ball. She sometimes tries to lie down from the sitting position and she was success on that! Then we believed she's teething quite strongly, hope the teeth fairy won't visit her too long and the white thing will shine in front of us soon! She's recovered from her sickness after 2 days, only mama still suffering... it's now more than a week already...
She likes to play waving hand and roll the ball! She started to talk, always say 'da da da da da da da', non-stop... like father like daughter, she talks a lot! She loves smiling and laughing, whenever she sees something which delight her, she opens her mouth, very big! Very lovely!
She also always plays with her fingers and practicing the facial muscle to prepare for chewing later, always says 'da da da da da da da'. She had her first Chicken dish, mama cooked with Apple, Onion, Carrots and seasoned with 1 bay leaf, and she likes it! But she likes fruits more, especially with this Peach, Pear and Apple cooked with vanilla, umm, yum!! I love it too~ Other than potato, she prefers Chinese rice congee to the baby rice mix, what a mixed baby! Has a taste of both East and West! Next week will cook her Cheese sauce fish pie, has to feed her more fish since it has a lot of Omega 3 and it's good for the eye sight!
Everytime we go to Coop (the local supermarket), people likes to stand around her and talk to her, one time she even causes a chaos! Anyhow, friends told me that it will be more serious when in HK with a mixed baby, I hope she will continue to be lovely, of course I am talking about her personality, after all, our goal is not to spoil this little bear!
In conclusion, she's a happy, healthy, big and strong baby! No, a little person!
每天都會经歷一些弟一次!這是做媽媽的Bonus.Noémie 很可愛我見到她我都咧嘴笑都係咧得很大.因她實在太可愛.sunsun
I love the black/white photo of you and Noemie. There's this unspoken bond between you two that makes it so lovely!
真人版 Monchichi , 哈!非常貼切呀!:P 原來阿黑糯米個面珠同爸爸既一模一樣.:D
sunsun: Then we should meet up more la, obviously she's very interested in Celine!!
Iris: Thanks so much, we will take more black and white photo then, hehe!!
Lili Marleen: Yes, you discover this! She looks 90% like baba, don't know when will she looks more like me...
bought a haar ornament for noémie ( white and elegant is should be fit for her on your wedding !! )sunsun
marki+fabi: 亞米同爸爸勁似,小咀像倒模一樣!
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